Three volunteers are required for this shift. The shift is from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
After arriving, sign in and make yourself a name tag – first name only.
There should be at least three volunteers for the dinner shift. Provide & prepare food for a maximum of 20 guests plus volunteers. You can contact the Volunteer Coordinator by emailing for a current shelter census number.
- Water and coffee are always available in the shelter, tea and lemonade are often available. If dinner volunteers would like to supply other beverages for the dinner meal, they are welcome to do so.
- Cooking should be done ahead of time and offsite.
- Dinner should be ready to be served between 6:00 and 6:30 pm.
- Volunteers should plan to both prepare the buffet line and clean up during their shift.
Dinner Hours:
- Volunteers should sign-in and make out a name tag – first name only.
- Make sure you clarify any questions the volunteer hosts have before the guests arrive.
- Volunteers should start setting up the tables and serving area by upon arrival.
- Guests arrive between 6:00 and 7:00 pm and are signed-in by the evening/greeting volunteers.
- Volunteers start serving once the guests have settled in. Set aside a plate for guests who are arriving late.
- Seconds are allowed at 7:00p.m.
- Use gloves or tongs for individual servings of breads, fresh vegetables, cookies, etc.
- Volunteers, Shift Leaders and GCHH staff are encouraged to join guests for dinner.
- Any leftover dessert may be left out as snacks in the evening.
- Make sure that any utensils and supplies used for preparing food are cleaned and put away.
- Volunteers should feel free to stay and interact with the guests until lights out.
- As a general rule, leftovers should be taken home with the dinner volunteer hosts.