- The shift is from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Staff may delegate these tasks to volunteers when they are present. Staff must stay until all guests leave.
- ● Make sure that breakfast food items are available for guest breakfast.
- ● Wake the guests at 7:15 am unless there is a specific request to wake someone earlier. Keep in mind that youth guests will have school and bussing schedules that we need to accommodate.
- ● Supervised Tobacco/Vaping Breaks: A GCHH staff or designee must accompany guests on the supervised outdoor tobacco use/vaping breaks. These take place once an hour on the half-hour from 6:30 until 7:30 a.m. Guests must utilize the smoking shelter during this time. Guests should also keep their voices down in consideration of neighbors while out on these breaks. The shelter entry door should not be propped open during smoke breaks.
- ● Provide guests with access to their medications before they leave the shelter for the day. They may choose to take their medications with them.
- ● Any personal belongings left at the shelter must be placed in the tote or their locker.
- ● By 8:30 am, begin cleaning the sleeping areas, bathrooms, and kitchen/dining areas, using gloves and designated cleaning agents.
- ● Make sure all food is stored away and personal food items are labeled.
- ● Check toilet paper and hand towel supplies and replace them if necessary.
- ● Lock all doors.
- ● Guests must leave the shelter and premises at 9:00 a.m.
- Follow and complete provided Staff Shift Checklist for additional responsibilities.